Want to make it big as an entrepreneur? Check out these recent odd and quirky business ideas. P.S. These ideas could not have been too “stupid” as they have all made millions of dollars for the entrepreneurs who started them although I’m not sure how easy it was for them to secure small business loans for their ideas.
A dog is a man’s best friend? Some people seem to be taking this a bit too far...
1 ) Wiggles Dog Wigs. Wiggles is the creation of Ruth Regina a master wig maker who was asked by her friend twenty years ago to make a wig for her beagle. Regina’s business offers a variety of custom wigs and hair extensions for dogs.

2 ) Mungo & Maud’s Petite Amande dog fragrance. Perfume for your pooch? This fragrance is “… inspired by nature with notes of French blackcurrant, Tunisian neroli, mimosa and violet leaf on a base of sweet vanilla bourbon… with a little almond.” There’s even a matching shampoo!

3 ) Hey Buddy! Pet Supply Vending Company. In 1998, Carlotta Lennox started this company after visiting numerous parks in the Miami area and noticing that there was a need for pet “clean-up” supplies, food, and accessories. Her pet supply vending machines offer an assortment of pet food, pet treats, and pet toys, as well as flea collars, pick-up bags, leashes, and vitamin-water.

And this list would not be complete without…
4 ) Doggles. What started as goggles for dogs (exclusive eye protection from the sun) has become a booming business that includes: a fashion clothing line for dogs, pet sunscreen, and wearable pet ionizer, as well as pet charms and jewelry. And do you know that your new little puppy or kitten could be suffering from separation anxiety?! No need to worry… Doggles offers a line of plush pillows and toys that feature a heartbeat that can be felt and heard!

What do you get that person who is hard to shop for? Why not try one of these specialty items…
5 ) Road Kill Toys. Come to this site and meet Twitch the Racoon, a flattened plush toy with exposed (and squishy) blood and guts that comes in its own made to measure body bag. Also coming soon… Grind the Rabbit and Splodge the Hedgehog.

6 ) Antenna balls, anyone? Check out this business… it’s the “world leader” in designer antenna balls.

7 ) Lucky Break Wishbone. Who would ever think that there would be a market for fake plastic wishbones? Well… there is! If you didn’t get to break the wishbone last Thanksgiving, next year you can come to the table prepared!
And in the “why didn’t I think of that” category…
8 ) The Million Dollar Homepage. Create a page with a 1,000,000 pixels, and charge people a dollar per pixel to advertise. Now this guy’s a millionaire.

9 ) Santa Mail. Now your kids can get a personalized letter from Santa Claus mailed from North Pole, Alaska, thanks to a clever entrepreneur.

10 ) PickyDomains. Need a catchy domain name? Go to this site, and they will do it for you. Just deposit $50 dollars and describe what kind of domain you want. You will then receive their suggestions of available domain names. If you choose one of the names and register it, the service keeps the $50. Otherwise the money is refunded at the end of the month.

11 ) SatLav. The Westminster City Council, which covers Oxford Street, the West End, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament in London, recently launched,a toilet-finding service for cell phone users. Now cell phone users can text the word “toilet,”and receive a text back with the address of the nearest public facility.

12 ) Excused Absence Network. Wish you had a doctor’s note to get out of taking that big test? Want to claim a sick day at work? The Excused Absence Network may be your answer. Students and employees can buy excuse notes that appear to come from doctors or hospitals.

13 ) Pet Rock. I had one of these.

Have any great ideas? 🙂