Essential Small Business Web Tools for the Novice

In order to be successful these days, many small business owners are recognizing the importance of not only establishing a web presence, but actively using the Internet as a marketing tool and business platform. This can be a bit challenging, however, for those business owners who are not so tech-savvy and cannot afford to hire […]

A Look at How Retailers Can Weather the Recession

According to recent research, retail sales have fallen over the last month even as the back-to-school shopping season gets into high gear, and industry forecasters claim that this does not bode well for the upcoming holiday season either.   (Image Credit) So the looming question for retailers big and small continues to be how to […]

Going to Small Claims Court to Recover Outstanding Business Debt

If you are thinking about going to small claims court to recover an outstanding debt owed to your small business, you may want to think again. The point of small claims court is that it gives the involved parties a chance to settle disputes while avoiding any more expensive and complicated court procedures later on. […]

SBA Lending: Small Businesses Still Waiting to be “Stimulated”

It all seemed so promising… Last year, Senator John Kerry’s Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee managed to not only save several small business loan programs that were effectively reduced or completely nixed under the President’s proposed 2009 budget, but they also managed to secure over $100 million in additional funding. This additional funding was supposed […]

The Best (and Worst) States to Start and Run a Small Business

As the recession continues to drone on, stilted consumer spending coupled with restricted (and in many cases nonexistent) credit markets have made it rough going for numerous small businesses and start-ups. At such times, seeking shelter in a business-friendly environment, can mean the difference between success and failure, growth or stagnation. Virginia is Pollina Corporate’s pick […]

A Look at How Some Restaurants are Weathering the Recession

A few weeks ago, I posted this article offering a few tips on how small business owners can grow their businesses during the recession. As I noted in the post, even in this dismal economy some businesses are thriving. But for the majority of smaller businesses the focus has become just trying to hunker down […]

Big Businesses Reach Out to Small Minority-Owned Suppliers

Securing a contract to supply goods or services to a big corporation could be godsend for a small business at a time when consumer confidence (and spending) has plummeted. Small business owners, especially minorities and women, should be aware that several big businesses have programs in place to actively reach out to and cultivate their […]