6 Retirement Plans for Small Business Owners & The Self-Employed

One of the less publicized fallouts of our economic tailspin has been the overnight devaluation and in some cases decimation of personal savings. This phenomenon has effected people from all walks of life and all ages. (Image Credit) But, there is a silver lining to every cloud… Now that the economic bubble has burst, it […]

10 Tips to Protect Your Business’ Online Bank Account

Online banking may offer a great deal of ease and convenience, especially for owners of small and home-based businesses, but it exposes the account holder to a sea of unscrupulous fraudsters and hackers. In one fell swoop, a business’ entire financial health can be compromised and a business owner’s personal assets can be decimated. (Image […]

How the Credit Card Industry is Sucking Small Businesses Dry

Earlier this year I posted a series on credit card reform and suggested that it would be a rough road ahead for many small business owners… unfortunately I was right. Though the credit card reform act of 2009 may have put a spotlight on some of the obscure and outright abusive business practices embraced by […]

Top Business Blogs for Bootstrapping Small Business Owners

In a previous post, I listed my picks for the top small business blogs. But as the economy continues to sputter along and the credit markets remain tight (especially for small businesses), I wanted to highlight those blogs that are specifically targeted to those small and home-based business owners committed to bootstrapping- those who seek […]

Overwhelmed by Taxes? How Small Businesses Can Ease Their Tax Burden

As the year begins to wind down, it’s time to turn our attention to the 2010 tax season. For many small business owners emerging from such a difficult economic year, the mere thought of taxes may conjure up a hearty serving of distress and anxiety.   (Image Credit) But the truth is that the IRS […]

10 Factors that Cause Small Business Lenders to Reject a Loan Request

Even as the economy shows subtle signs of a future recovery, many economic experts agree that it is far from over and that spells bad news for small businesses in search of financing. Lenders continue to be tight-fisted when it comes to extending credit, and this dearth of financing has dealt a tremendous blow to […]

Top Small Businesses Financial Accounting Mistakes

It is common among cash-strapped small businesses for the owners and their employees take on many responsibilities simultaneously. The job of financial accounting and general bookkeeping thus often goes to someone within the business who has not been formally trained for the task. Though this may be an effective way to reduce expenses, it could […]

Creating Flexibility in Your Employee Work Schedule to Cut Costs

Even as the economy shows signs of revival, several economic indicators, such as consumer confidence, consumer spending, and the nation’s unemployment rate, suggest that it will still be a tough road ahead for many small businesses over the next few months. (Image Credit) Those small business owners looking for ways to get through this difficult […]