Revamp Your Home Business with Energy Star and Save Money

While the US economy is struggling to attain its equilibrium, home business owners are being offered a boon to help them upgrade or expand their home based offices through the Energy Star Rebate Program.   The Cash for Appliances Rebate Program, also referred to as the Energy Star Rebate Program, is a $300 million US […]

What to Consider Before Taking the Franchising Plunge

Getting started with a franchise may seem like an attractive, more secure option for would-be entrepreneurs looking to run their own business- especially among those who have experienced layoffs, work reductions, or the inability to find work in the first place. But becoming a franchisee generally involves a considerable investment of time and money, and […]

How to Generate Cheap Publicity for Your Small Business

Generating publicity is a major part of any small business marketing campaign. But when tight budgets meet up with lack of know how, many excellent opportunities can go to waste. Small business owners looking to expand their marketing tactics on a shoe string may want to consider these options:  Send out a press release. Expanding […]

How Your Small Business Can Make the Most of Google Docs

Last week, Google released an upgraded version of Google Docs its online suite of productivity tools and software. The upgrade is widely recognized as a competitive move on Google’s behalf, preempting the release of Microsoft Office 2010 which is expected to ship out in June. For budget-wise small businesses involved in business travel, remote collaboration, […]

Will the Obama Jobs Bill Affect Small Business Hiring?

In March, President Obama signed into law a watered down version of his much-touted Jobs Bill. The $17.6 billion initiative offers small business owners two tax breaks for qualifying new workers hired in 2010. Under the new legislation, businesses will be exempt from paying their share of Social Security payroll taxes (generally 6.2% of an […]

Using the Internet to Conduct Market Research for A Small Business

The prolific growth of the Internet and Web2.0 has been a boon for market researchers in that it has simplified the process of collecting and generating quality market data. To run a successful small business these days, conducting effective market research is a must. Market research is a dynamic process focused on understanding the relationship […]

Top Financial Scams Targeting Small Business Owners

Small and home-based business owners in desperate need of financing are increasingly being targeted by a flood of scam artists hoping to capitalize on wide spread confusion and economic hardship. The Better Business Bureau recently released its list of the top 10 scams and rip-offs for 2009. Here are a few examples from that list […]

5 Essential Public Speaking Tips for Non-Public Speakers

I saw a recent post at womenonbusines about how important it is for small business owners to seek out public speaking opportunities- even if those opportunities are unpaid. I couldn’t agree more. With all the emphasis these days on online social networking and hyper-connected, mobile technology, still nothing beats a face-to-face meeting. In the business […]