Chase Reduces Loan Interest Rate for Each New Hire

Chase has apparently decided to do its part to jumpstart the still sluggish American economy by promoting an interesting offer: The bank promises to reduce the interest rate for each new employee that a small business hires.   Last week Chase announced that the new program is being offered to business owners willing to undertake […]

What to Consider before Moving Your Business to the Cloud

In the previous two posts, I offered a definition of cloud computing and discussed some general ways in which cloud computing can benefit a small business. But even with all of its benefits, computing from the cloud is not for every business. Before you move your business operations and data online, there are several vital […]

How Cloud Computing Can be Used in Your Small Business

In a previous post, I offered an updated definition of cloud computing. In short, cloud computing refers to the use of Internet-based services to support various business processes in real time. In practical terms, cloud computing allows small businesses to remotely manage and store information, and access customized software or services from any device featuring […]

What is Cloud Computing?

Over the past few years, the term “cloud computing” has become a catch-all phrase referring to the use of real time, Internet-based services to support business processes. More specifically, cloud computing can refer to software as a service, such as for Customer Relationship Management (CRM); to file storage, synchronization, backup services, such as; […]

What is Small Business Insurance and Why Do You Need It?

Many small business owners may be apathetic when it comes to business insurance- seeing it as an expense to avoid or to minimize where possible. But savvy business owners realize that business insurance is in essence an investment on the future. The various business insurance products available protect not only the owner(s) of the business, […]

Troubleshooting: When Your Business Isn’t Making Money

The reasons why a business would fail to post a profit are many. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), the majority small businesses take at least a year to show a profit due to the fact that it takes some time to generate enough revenue to cover the company’s start-up expenses. There are other […]

How to Keep Your Employees from Leaving

Throughout the recession, the majority of US companies were laying off employees rather than hiring them. They certainly weren’t worried about employees jumping ship. But as the economy begins to stabilize this situation is changing.   Online job search engine,, reports that there are plenty of job openings out there and that the trend seems […]

Should Your Small Business Be on Facebook?

Smack in the middle of all the social networking hype that has been generated over the past few years there is Facebook- a site that lets users add people as “friends”, designate themselves as”fans”of other users, send messages, and update their personal profiles. With more than 400 million active users, many, including this blog, saw […]