Midterm Elections: What’s at Stake for Small Businesses?

Political pundits are predicting heated congressional elections this November. Republican supporters are determined to retake both the Senate and the House on the coattails of growing skepticism and discontent among voters with the current administration. If the Republicans succeed in increasing their number of seats, small business owners can expect to see changes in major […]

A Key to Small Business Longevity? Find a Niche!

It’s well known that small retail businesses often struggle against their big corporate competitors. And with the rise of Internet-based retail, the economies of scale are tipping even more in favor of the mega firms that have the resources to invest and can offer a wide range of merchandise at cut-rate prices. But a new […]

The Most Unusual and Creative Marketing Promotions 2009- 2010

One of the positive outcomes of an economic slowdown is the innovation that can come out of it. As businesses big and small scramble to capture precious consumer turf, what has emerged is a bold, new attitude in business marketing. All the sluggish sales and depleted consumer confidence were no doubt the driving force behind […]

Small Business Confidence Wavering; Cash Flow a Problem

 According to the Discover Small Business Watch, small business owners are experiencing cash flow problems, leading to reduced economic confidence. Business owners’ economic confidence decreased in June. Previously, it had risen for two consecutive months.   More than half of all small business owners said they feel the economy is getting worse. Reflecting this sentiment, […]

Using Drop Shipping for Your Small Business

One of the keys to small business success during difficult economic times is finding the right balance between doing things in-house and outsourcing those tasks. Small business owners looking to keep their inventory stocks low and their cash flowing may want to consider using the services of an outside drop shipping company.     Drop […]

What to Do When Disaster Strikes Your Business

A disaster, natural or otherwise, can cause enormous loss to your business, effecting vital data, equipment, realestate, and your customer base. Even an event on the scale of a brief electrical outage can create havoc on computer files and phone lines. But if disaster suddenly strikes, it doesn’t have to mean that all is lost. […]

Essential Data Security Tips for Your Small Business

For small businesses that rely on technology, even those with modest usage (ie a computer with Internet access), maintaining the integrity of sensitive data, such as names, social security numbers, pin numbers and access codes, is a vital priority.    So what can your small business do to protect its valuable data? Keep in mind […]

Small Businesses, Tap Into the Power of Collective Buying

Collective buying, or group buying, is a new trend that benefits businesses and consumers alike. Group buying websites, such as www.groupon.com, offer discounts on goods and services. Unlike traditional coupon sites, they encourage consumers to spread the buzz and bring in other customers by guaranteeing the bargains only if enough customers take advantage of the […]

Shelf Corporations: Attractive But Potentially Risky

The internet is rife with offers of businesses for sale. A little research often reveals that some of the most attractive of these offers are shelf corporations.   A shelf corporation is a company that was established and then was “left on the shelf”- meaning that it has been inactive for several years. After a […]