How to Detect Theft in Small Business Accounts Payable

When times are tough, people can get disparate…. As the economy huffs and puffs along, it has left in its wake a surge in business theft, and this trend has had a disproportionate impact on smaller businesses. According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), employee theft at businesses with less than 100 employees […]

Five Consumer Trends That are Changing our Economy

In the begining, when Americans were still reeling from the after shock of a freshly burst credit bubble and a crash in the housing market, to mention the term Recession felt almost dirty. Only the brave few dared to mention the “R” word for fear of persecution or being labled as a doomsday party-pooper. Most […]

Why Investing In Your Employees Makes Good Business Sense

Is investing in your employees good for business? According to a new report, “Profit at the Bottom of the Ladder,” (Harvard Business Press), the answer is unequivocally, “Yes.”   Jody Heymann, who led the study behind the report, researched twelve companies in nine countries. Every company had policies that improved conditions for their lower-level workers. […]

Why Conferences & Tradeshows Are Crucial to Small Business Developement

These days, while many small business owners are dealing with tightened budgets and strained cash flow, heading for the latest conference may seem like an unnecessary luxury. It’s hard to justify taking time away from work, paying for a hotel, food, and travel expenses. Yet, hobnobbing at conferences and tradeshows could infuse your business with […]

And the Winners of the Small Biz Bill… Big Businesses!

Throughout much of his tenure, President Obama been lending a significant amount of lip service to the idea that America should be investing in its small businesses.   Since the onset of our current economic difficulties, small businesses have disproportionally been suffering from the overall slowdown in consumer spending, leading to less cash flow and poor credit- two factors that have effectively crippled many […]

Credit Card Companies Quickly Adapt to New Legislation

No one can say that the credit card industry isn’t resourceful. The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act, which was enacted in 2009, was meant to reshape consumer finance. The new legislation stipulates that card issuers must give customers more notice about interest-rate increases. It also restricts problematic billing practices, such as inactivity fees. […]