Using Social Media to Hire? Watch Out or You May Get Sued!

As we all know, people post highly personal information about themselves on Facebook and other Social Media without thinking twice. Religion, sexual orientation, race relationship status and other personal issues are all part and parcel of the Facebook profile.   Social Networks would seem to be the ideal platform to find qualified candidates for jobs. […]

Five Creative Strategies to Improve Cash Flow with Limited Business Credit

Remember the good old days when credit lines flowed like water and all you needed to do was call the bank to get set up with short-term financing when you needed it? Those days are long gone and small business owners are being forced to find other ways to free up much-needed capital.   Here […]

Shoddy Paperwork in the Race to Foreclose; Now Big Banks Face Nationwide Moratorium

The spate of foreclosures in the U.S. might be coming to a halt. Homeowners have long been complaining that banks use improper documentation to seize their homes. Their clamoring became so loud that lawmakers and banks have finally taken notice. Now, several of the big guns in banking have declared a nation-wide moratorium on foreclosure […]

18 Famous College Dorm Room Businesses that Made Millions

While the name “dorm room start-up” may seem somewhat subdued, eliciting the image of a cash-strapped, ramon noodle-eating student trying to scrape together a little extra income, for those of more enterprising natures, college provides the fertile ground on which to develop and expand some pretty hefty business ideas. From their humble student quarters, a […]

Tips for Writing a Killer Press Release

One common and free way to generate publicity for your business is to send out a well-written and targeted press release. Small businesses can send newsworthy information to reporters and media people, who then write or report about the business.   How can you ensure that your press release is eye-catching enough for a reporter to open […]

Repairing Your Business’ Reputation: Learning from J&J’s Product Recall

Whether you take Johnson & Johnson CEO William Weldon’s public mea culpa over the recent spate of drug recalls at face value or with a cynical grain of salt, the event highlights several important points in brand image damage control.   Johnson & Johnson is no stranger to corporate crisis management and large scale product […]

At-Will Employment: Still a Risky Business

In the United States, “at-will” employment relationships have become quite popular as businesses big and small seek to cover their bases and avoid any legal headaches down the road. But what many employers don’t know is that “at-will” may not be the safety net they think it is.   The term “at-will employment” means that […]

3 Reasons Why Temp Workers May Cost Your Business More

The implicit assumption when it comes to hiring temporary employees or consultants is that it will save your business money. After all, with these temp workers, you don’t have to worry about an attractive benefits package, a competitive salary, nor a drawn out hiring process. They come, they do their job, and they leave.   […]

How to Get the Most Out of Your Temporary Workers

Whenever the workload increases, a key employee has taken a leave of absence, or additional skills and expertise are required to complete a specific task, bringing in temporary employees can quickly become a standard practice for businesses big and small. But the mere presence of an extra pair of hands or someone with a fresh […]

Starting a New Business? Make Sure it’s Legal!

Opening a small business requires all sorts of preparations such as raising capital, writing a business plan, finding a suitable premises, hiring staff and myriad other tasks. But even the best planning and care will mean nothing if your venture is saddled with fees and penalties or is forced to close down because it was […]