(Very) Last Minute Tax Tips For Unprofitable Businesses

Though there have been a few indications as of late that our economic situation is starting to lighten up (a bit), the truth is that for many small businesses, 2010 has been a hard year. When “hard” spells not profitable, knowing how to handle your taxes properly is essential. Many small business owners may not […]

5 Office Gifts to Get for Your Employees

Don’t leave your employees off your holiday gift list! Take advantage of the holiday deals and update your office with the latest in business technology. New software and business tools will revamp the office energy, and may even boost business productivity. Here are the top five business tools employees are adding to their wish list: […]

Crowdfunding Can be Used for Market Research Too

Over the past couple of years, crowdfunding has emerged as a quick and agile way to raise money- whether for a new business, charity, or artistic project. While many have been quick to point out the various “side benefits” of turning to the online community for funding, such as generating customer interest and building brand […]

New Research Changes Rules of Business Communication

New research about possible hormonal reactions to social networking has big repercussions for small businesses. In a preliminary study (chronicled here), Dr. Paul J. Zak, aka “Dr. Love,” has found that levels of oxytocin, which creates feelings of trust, spike during Facebook, Twitter, and blog use. Businesses can capitalize on this finding to enhance customer […]

Personal Computer Use at Work = Unproductive, Dangerous

With the holiday shopping season upon us, workers who have access to their employer’s computers will likely spend work time bargain-hunting and shopping online, exposing the business to computer-based viruses and hacks as well as lost productivity.   A recent study conducted by the global non profit information systems association ISACA revealed that nearly 40% […]

What are the Employer’s Responsibilities in a Wage Garnishment?

As an employer, dealing with a wage garnishment can be a difficult and awkward task. When the business is small and employee relationships have been cultivated, then having to be in the middle of a wage garnishment is all the more uncomfortable. The following is a brief guide to the wage garnishment process including what […]

How to Fix Errors on Your Business Credit Report

Credit report inaccuracies can wreak havoc on your business’ credit score- and when they do the result can be disastrous. A business’ credit score is generally the deciding factor in the approval of most business loans and business financing. Moreover, prospective business partners, investors, and clients all may consider your business’ credit rating when deciding […]

Increased Consumer Spending: Better Times Ahead?

Reports from Thanksgiving weekend carried good news: promotions and special deals persuaded consumers to open their wallets on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Americans’ willingness to buy could indicate a subtle turn-around among recession-weary consumers- a trend that could translate to better economic conditions down the road.   On Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday, online […]

Three Tips to Securing a Biz Line of Credit that You May Not Know

Amid cautious consumer spending and an overall economic and legislative uncertainty, having a reliable source of credit and short-term financing is a necessity for small business owners. One of the more popular credit options among small businesses has been a bank sponsored business line of credit. But these days, many current small business account holders […]