The Anatomy of a Successful Business Website: 10 Essentials

These days, maintaining a website for your business is a must in almost every case. But merely having a website is not enough- you have to carefully design your web space and maintain it in order for it to be effective in capturing the attention and business of your target market. To that end, here […]

How to Heal Your Ailing Small Business

Even with the optimistic forecasts meant to buoy a nation still smarting from “The Great Recession” that keeps on giving, the fact is that many small businesses are struggling these days just to remain in operation. For the owners and employees of these ailing companies, some “real” optimism needs to be sent their way. So […]

Turning to the “Crowd” for Your Freelance Needs? Proceed with Caution!

In previous posts, such as this one, I’ve discussed some of the unique opportunities crowdsourcing offers for small business owners- especially in the areas of business finance and market research. But there is a flip side to these benefits. If you do not exercise your due diligence, at best, you can end up forking over […]

Why Choose Web-Based Accounting for Your Business?

Ever since the concept of cloud computing entered pop culture a few years ago, it has gained in popularity and usage among consumers and businesses alike who were quick to harp on the advantages of operating in the “cloud” and using Software as a Service (SaaS) applications in particular. While users may still be a […]

Managing Over-Qualified Workers: How to Keep Them Happy and Loyal

According to a recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends project, an estimated 26% (the equivalent of 36 million) of the 139 million currently employed workers in the United States endured at least one period of unemployment during the recent recession that began in December, 2007.   The survey indicated […]

10 Essential Business Blogs You Should Be Following

There are countless blogs out there that offer a wealth of useful business-related information and news, but after a while, even if the content is good, most of them may start to sound the same. For those looking to trim a little blog fat from their rss feeds, or for those newbies wondering where they […]

Why a Tax Preparer May Not be Enough for Your Small Business

As the 2011 tax season gets underway, many small business owners will be seeking the assistance of professional tax preparers to help them through the process. But in an effort to save money, they may end up shortchanging themselves. Here are three reasons why a long-term financial adviser may more adequately fulfill the needs of […]