The 10 Best, Must-Have Apps for Business Travelers

Whether you’re a frequent business traveler or you venture out for a business trip only on occasion, these ten apps can make your business travel experience a whole lot easier. Most of these apps will work on both the iPhone and iPad; some are also available for Android and Blackberry phones:   1. FlightBoard This […]

5 Top Resources to Build a Local Search Presence for Your Small Business

As smart phones and other mobile devices become common place and people increasingly turn to the Internet to help them plan out their daily business and leisure activities, the growing importance and impact of local search cannot be ignored. If you run a local brick and mortar business, you should do what you can to […]

Why Bootstrapping Small Biz Owners Should Still Pay Attention to Mobile Payments, Square

The high profile search engine giant Google Inc., recently announced it’s new pay-by-phone service, Google Wallet, slated for a limited run this summer. Though many are quick to point out the service’s glaring shortcomings, such as that it only works with the MasterCard network, is available for only one Android phone model, and so far […]

The 39 Most Influential & Successful Entrepreneurs of the Past 100 Years

As the summer beckons, focusing on the daily grind may become a challenge. To offer a bit of inspiration, I created a list individuals that I believe to be “super entrepreneurs.” That is, these are not just people who have amassed wealth or who ran a successful business, they left an indelible imprint on the […]

4 Free Opensource Software Apps to Track a Lost Laptop or Smartphone

Laptops and cell phones are natural thieve targets since they are small, easy to snatch and are often accidently left unattended in public places such as a coffee shop, airport or in a car. According to the FBI, 97% of laptops are never recovered after theft- which is bad news for business travelers. Fortunately for […]

Deciphering the Economic Schizophrenia: What Do the Mixed Signals Mean?

A seemingly contradictory line up of recent economic indicators has been drawing a lot of attention as of late, leaving in its wake a population of economists and economic analysts who have suddenly been struck dumbfounded. They are, after all, dealing with an economy that just refuses to stick to their models and predictions.   […]

Tempted to Hire a Temp Worker for Your Small Biz? You May Want to Think Again…

When times get tough, companies increasingly look to temporary employees to fill their needs- at least that’s what this recent article over at CNN suggests.   As a small business owner, relying on temporary or contractual hires may seem like a quick and cheap solution to getting a particular job done, and these days with […]