20+ Unbelievable Facts About the National Debt… That Will Make You Cry

Irregardless of which side of the political camp you place yourself, chances are the recent “agreement” to raise the debt ceiling probably brings little comfort, and with good reason. Analysis of the deal reveals that the proposed $2.4 trillion in deficit reduction over ten years is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the […]

How to Successfully Sublet Your Commercial Rental Property: 5 Tips

Businesses looking for ways to keep their overhead costs down, may want to consider subletting a part of their rental property to another business. Doing so can help to maximize any unused space and ultimately shave off a significant amount of a business’ monthly rental expenses. But for a subletting arrangement to truly work, it […]

How Small Business Owners Can Increase Employee Pay When Money is Tight

According to a recent Wells Fargo Business Insights survey, poor cash flow continues to be a major worry point for small business owners across the nation. These findings come as no surprise given the overall decrease in consumer spending and consumer confidence coupled with inflationary pressures and high rates of unemployment.   But as more […]

Stressed Out, Depressed Employees = Sick Employees: Keeping Workers Healthy, Happy

Part of the fallout of all the economic uncertainty, the government’s petulant turf wars, and the day-to-day struggle with money, has been an overall increase of stress, anxiety, and depression among the majority of Americans.   There is a well-know correlation between chronic stress and anxiety and the increase of stress-related illnesses, and according to […]

Want to Add the Google+ Button to Your Small Business Website? Not So Fast!

With all the buzz being generated around Google’s new social networking and information sharing tool, Google+, you could be planning to add this service to your web content in the form of the Google+ button (if you haven’t already). But, as the title to this post suggests, you may want to wait it out a […]

Make Sure Your 401k Isn’t Fee Free-For-All

As a small business owner, offering a employer-sponsored 401k retirement plan to your employees is an attractive benefit that will generate both goodwill and loyalty among your workforce. This is especially true these days, when countless businesses big and small have been reducing or dropping altogether their health care and retirement plans.     But, […]

Concerning Health Care Costs: It’s Up Up and Away

Many small business owners these days have been smarting from a health care headache as they try to offset the rising cost of care in the midst of a sluggish economy that has eaten away at profit margins and stymied growth. Now, a recent study conducted by PwC Health Research Institute suggests that the headache […]

Is It Time to Increase Your Prices? 5 Things to Consider

According to recent reports, such as this one from the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), many small businesses have finally begun to consider a price hike. It was to be expected as the increased cost of commodities, confirmed inflationary pressures, and year-over-year of sluggish consumer spending have whittled away profit margins at a time […]

Can Your Small Business Really Profit from Groupon?

When the group discount site Groupon first appeared on the Internet radar in 2008, it seemed like a bane for small business owners looking for a way to pump up sluggish sales and attract new customers. It’s daily deals are known to attract hordes of interested, deal seeking consumers.   But as other deal sites […]