Why Google+ Works Great for Recruiting

Most people know Google+ as another social network for individuals to connect with friends and companies to connect with customers. However, many colleges and universities know Google+ to work well in a different way—a great tool for recruiting.   The website Mashable recently found that many universities are using the networking tool as an opportunity […]

Moving Your Full-Time Workers to Part-Time

Even with the somewhat promising employment report and holiday shopping rush that the media has been sticking under our noses, sluggish sales and strained cash flow are still making headlines for countless small business owners. In order to sustain the prolonged economic restraint, many small businesses have had to restructure their workforce. Often, that means […]

Reduce the Risk of Filing Your Business Taxes Electronically

As the year comes to an end many small businesses owners may already be thinking about the upcoming tax season. If you are among that population then here’s one more thing to think about: If you plan on filing your business taxes electronically or will be working with sensitive personal and financial information online in […]

Top 10 Business Coaching Blogs Online

Over the past few years there’s been a “coaching” craze brewing. Individuals seeking locker room at halftime type inspiration or a bit of personal insight, direction, and development have been turning to the so-called life coaching industry. These“life coaches” act as a kind of paid friend or mentor to help their clients actualize themselves.   […]

How to Choose the Right Web Conferencing Software for Your Business

I’m sure you’ve seen the articles about how to save money in this up-and-down economy, so you’re likely aware that web conferencing is becoming more and more popular. For those who are unfamiliar, web conferencing is a way to hold a meeting virtually so that everyone can attend and interact, as opposed to talking through […]

Will Crowdfunding Be the Answer to Small Business Woes?

A couple of weeks ago, the U.S. House of Representatives made a conspicuously bi-partisan effort to pass the Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act which essentially makes it easier for businesses to raise capital through crowdfunding.   Crowdfunding is a relatively new form of raising money. By tapping into the extensive reach of the internet, prospective […]

The Key to Main Street Small Business Success: Focus on the Customers Who Count

As countless brick and morter small business owners fish for ways to survive a whirlwind of sluggish sales, creeping inflation, and economic uncertainty, many may be making decisions that are actually hurting their companies.   According to a recent survey conducted by American Express Open, the majority of Americans seem to realize the value of […]

The 4 Best Ways to Upgrade The Technology in Your Small Business

Sometimes it seems as if technology is changing at the speed of light. Blink just once, and suddenly that cutting edge device of yours seems like a clunky relict. Though most small businesses owners may not be hanging on to every advance the tech world has to offer, many still need to be sure that […]

Who Are the Biggest Winners in the Current Economic Turmoil?

As the U.S. stock market continues to yo-yo about like a row-boat on choppy waters and reports rippling from across the ocean suggest that the Euro-zone is just barely keeping its head above water, there have been some pockets of relative calm and even prosperity. So just who is benefiting from all the economic turmoil […]

Deeper Than the Downgrade: July NFIB Optimism Survey Points to More Fundamental Problems

When it comes to the U.S. economy, sometimes it seems that everyone loves a good scapegoat- especially when the “everyone” is desperately trying to turn a blind eye to some ugly, fundamental problems…   As economic analysts try to make sense out of Wall Street’s recent nose dive, there are so far several suspects in […]