Google U: Learn About SEO, AdWords, Mobile, Analytics & More from Google Webinars

As many small business owners continue to debate whether or not to heed the clarion call for all-things-social media, the Internet landscape has only gotten more complex and confusing. As a time-strapped, cash-strapped small business owner, you may be wondering where do you even start? Try asking that question, and be prepared to get back […]

5 Ways a Tablet Computer Can Improve Productivity in Your Business

Now that the iPad has opened the floodgates on tablet computers, and the cost to own one of these devices is getting more reasonable (several models are selling for $200-$400), you may want to consider using them in your small business. Most of the research that has come out lately, such as this study by […]

7 Influential and Inspiring Women Bloggers to Follow if You Run a Small Business

The web is literally saturated with professional women bloggers, and plenty of these women have been recognized as some of the biggest movers and shakers in their respective industries. But more often than not, when I visit some of these “influential” blogs I get the feeling that no one’s home. Even where there are comments […]

4 Easy Business Networking Tips That Anyone Can Do

Unless you’re one of those uber confident people who just loves to work the crowd, business networking can be one of the more daunting aspects of running a business. If you are not a natural networker, there are nevertheless several things you can do to make the process more feasible. Finding an effective combination of […]

How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur in 2012

Earlier this week, I saw an interesting post by Scott Shane over at in which he highlights a trend that so far seems to have avoided media scrutiny: an apparent entrepreneurial exodus has been going on over the past five years. Though the number of people taking the entrepreneurial plunge seems to have increased […]

Beyond the Credit Bureau: Social Sourcing Your Creditworthiness?

Just when you thought it was hard enough to remain creditworthy as a small business owner or solopreneur, a new report published at American Banker highlights a potential banking trend that could change the way credit is built and maintained. According to the report that discusses nine trends affecting risk software in the banking industry, […]

5 Things You Must Do Before Hiring a Virtual Assistant

If your to-do list is fast becoming unsustainable, you do not have to wait till you are literally drowning in tasks you do not have the time, skills, nor expertise to accomplish. You could hire a virtual assistant (VA) to help you. As small business profit margins stay slim and trim while sales continue to […]

The Winners and Losers of the 2011 Retail Holiday Season- Infographic

As the year winds down and the dust begins to settle it’s getting pretty clear which businesses came out winning and which businesses won’t even be walking away with a consolation prize this holiday season.   Front and center in the headlines:’s continuing dominance in online sales fueled by a series of incredibly strategic […]