Small Businesses Being Caught in A War of Attrition?

A few days ago, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) released their monthly Small Business Optimism Survey, and it ain’t pretty. Not only has optimism among small business owners taken a nose dive, but growth-building activities such as hiring, making capital outlays, and increasing inventory have seemingly slowed down across the board. For the […]

Should You Bring Multiple Authors into Your Business Blog?

If your online business marketing strategy includes a business blog, then you may want to consider bringing in multiple authors for your content. Now, here I’m not talking about having the occasional guest poster, though there are definitely many benefits to such a setup. What I’m referring to is a team of writers, who may […]

Are Obama’s Efforts Enough for Small Business?

Last week, the Obama Administration announced that it is taking a series of “immediate actions to help small businesses” survive and thrive in the challenging economic conditions we, as a nation, continue to find ourselves in. But many small business owners are left wondering if Obama’s efforts are either immediate or enough to make any […]

Integrating Social and Location-Based Networks with Your Customer Loyalty Program

It’s amazing how many small businesses (and even some of their customers) still cling on to old-fashioned, dusty, musty loyalty programs that fail to increase revenues and customer loyalty. Being weened from those cardboard punch cards and plastic loyalty cards takes some serious re-wiring.     This flies in the face of the fact that […]

5 Hot Tech Gadgets for Small Business Owners in 2012

When it comes to the latest and greatest in tech gadgets, there’s plenty to ogle at these days. But as a small business owner operating on a small budget, deciding which of these devices to invest in can be dizzying. With so many “must-have,” feature-rich products out there, where do you even begin?   Here […]

Are You Putting Disclosures on Your Business Blog?

Last week, the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) finished gathering feedback on its Social Media Marketing Disclosure Guide before sending it off to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The guide is meant to help businesses and bloggers comply with the FTC’s Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.   The gist […]

Your Competitor Lowered His Prices: Don’t Panic, Follow These Strategic Steps

As the economy continues to struggle, many small business owners are finding that they have to compete more and more for consumers’ attention and wallets. It’s no secret that price can be a huge motivator in people’s minds today as they go about making their purchase decisions. In an attempt to keep their sales levels up, many […]

9 American Entrepreneurs Who Went from Dirt Poor to Stinking Rich

The American Dream may seem very far these days for the average American struggling to get by. But behind all the mushy idealism, the truth is there are those who live a real rags to riches lives. The following are ten famous American entrepreneurs who left their poor beginnings behind to become some of the […]