10 Defining Moments in Business in 2012

With the new year underway, you may have an urge to just put your head down and plow forward- especially if 2012 didn’t treat you or your business so kindly. But, one of the biggest mistakes that we on a societal level tend to make is that we fail to apply the lessons of the […]

5 Trends in 2013 That Small Business Owners Can’t Afford to Ignore

Is it just me, or does it seem like the pace of business is increasing exponentially with every passing year? Each year has certainly brought its own game-changing technological advances and platforms that have affected the way businesses communicate with their customers and market their products and services. 2013 promises to be no different. But […]

Take a Look at What 10 Big US Companies Are Paying in Taxes

As countless small business owners wonder what the new year will bring to their profit margins- a year already colored by the looming specters of the fiscal cliff and healthcare reform- it seems several big businesses are sitting quite cozy, indeed. In September of this year, a congressional report put a spotlight on maneuverings that […]

15 of The Best Free and Low-Cost Tools to Create Killer Infographics

Small business owners who recognize the value of creating informative and engaging content online will no doubt include infographics in their content creation portfolio. By presenting information in a compact and creative format, infographics are able to quickly convey knowledge and engage its viewers. But, if you are just now getting started with infographics you […]

Small Business Owners Still Fumbling Online

According to research by SMB Digital Scape, the majority of small business owners are still fumbling when it comes to their online presence, and we’re not just talking about maintaining social media accounts. Many small business websites are missing the basics. It seems that though many businesses have an online presence, they still aren’t investing […]

7 Ways to Stay Connected and Productive at Work When the Power Goes Out

Now that hurricane Sandy has moved on, leaving in its wake a whole lot of damage and lost productivity, we can look at it as a pretty loud reminder that business owners need to be prepared for unexpected interruptions in their work day. One such interruption is a loss of power; it’s something that can […]